Instruction in T’ai Chi Ch’uan
Before you decide on an instruction for teaching T'ai Chi Ch'uan, it seems appropriate to already be acquainted with and practicing T’ai Chi Ch’uan to know what it stands for. Since the courses that we offer occur regularly, we can present an education that is linked with the attendance in our seminars and weekends. This means you don’t need to commit yourself to an education. You yourself decide the timeframe in which you will complete the necessary courses. You can interrupt the training or end it whenever you wish. Naturally we shall accompany you on your path when you have informed us about your interest in an instruction for teaching. We come together with the participants in the seminars whose aim is an education in T'ai Chi Ch'uan and give them suggestions, among other things, concerning the meaningful order of the courses attended.
The education is consciously based on the short form of the Yang-Style. Since the short form in its external structure is relatively easy to learn (in a timeframe of 3 to 6 years) and its practice results in a multitude of positive effects attributed to T’ai Chi Ch’uan, it presents itself as an object of an instruction for teaching.

Our instruction follows the desired 300 training units of such educational institutions as the Volkshochschulen, health insurance companies, etc. A training unit with us is 60 minutes long. The training units are divided into seminars and weekends which deal with learning the three parts of the short form of the Yang-Style and deepening what has been learned. In a special teacher seminar, we discuss the pedagogical structure of the lessons and their organization. With several private lessons, the material is completed. Upon finishing the required educational units with adequate knowledge of the short form and its performance in the direction of T’ai Chi Ch’uan, you receive from us a teacher certificate.
We then include you on our list of teachers which is available in our courses and is sent out on request to those interested. The lists of teachers are not an expression of an organizational background; they are collections of addresses in order to be able to recommend teachers.
To request the material for our teacher instruction; under contact you will find our telephone number, address and e-mail address.
Please note that the currently offered educations in T'ai Chi Ch'uan, ours included, are a concession to our time and our western way of thinking. The term “education” appears to impart an impression that T'ai Chi Ch'uan is a practice system that one can adequately acquire over a period of several years. In traditional T'ai Chi Ch'uan an instruction of this kind didn't exist - every lesson with a qualified teacher instructs in the meaning of the word. In addition, classical T'ai Chi Ch'uan assumes in advance decades of analysis and an equally long period of practicing. As a Taoist exercise system, T'ai Chi Ch'uan also has clear rules concerning individual freedom, non-organization, and non-judgment. Appropriately, a confirmation about levels of development is rejected; there are no titles such as master. Even when this is difficult to understand in our goal oriented world, it clearly states the spirit that stands behind this exercise system.