About T’ai Chi

T'ai Chi Ch'uan (abbreviated T'ai Chi) is a Taoist exercise system from ancient China. It has been widely introduced in the western world since the 1960s. It fascinates with its unique movement and its many positive effects on body, mind and soul. Practicing Tai Chi relaxes and leads to well-being and composure.
T'ai Chi appears to be created for modern people. Tai Chi exercises for the promotion of health are frequently offered. They are easy to learn and can be practiced when one is older. Once you have aquired the exercises, you always have them along with you and can gain from their effects wherever you are.
Being more involved with Tai Chi, one knows, that behind these health exercises is a very complex exercise system that has been practiced for many centuries. It combines the aspects of health, meditation and self-defense in a unique way. T'ai Chi includes a variety of styles and traditions. Today, people all over the world are occupied with it. They explore its aspects and background, its philosophy and spirituality. These approaches require intensive practice and studying with teachers who can guide their students on this path.